
versatility of the naturally gaited horse

“Dressage is more than trot…and the saddle you ride in.”
—Jennifer Klitzke

About Dressage for the Gaited Horse

Some traditional dressage riders believe that dressage is only for horses that trot. While some owners of gaited horses believe that dressage will MAKE their gaited horse trot. I challenge these notions and here’s why…

Dressage is a French term for the training of horse and rider. Whether you ride english or western; whether your horse trots or gaits, it doesn’t matter. As long as you seek to improve rhythm, relaxation, balance, connection, harmony and engagement with your horse, and grow in knowledge and application about rider position and effective use of aids, you’re right in line with the foundational principles dressage training offers.

Dressage training brings out the best natural movement in your horse whether it trots or gaits, and it helps you become a better rider so that you will be able to develop a consistent communication with your horse as your body awareness grows in the timing of your aids.

That’s not all! Dressage training translates well into versatility training. I’ve found it refreshing to break out of the four walls of a dressage arena for some team penning, sorting cows, trail obstacles, trail riding, endurance races, and gymnastic jumping. Dressage training has made my naturally gaited horse more maneuverable around obstacles, jumps, and sneaky cows, and she is more reliable on the trail. Plus, a naturally gaited horse is easy on an aging grandma body!

Dressage training has made all the difference, and it hasn’t made my gaited horse TROT!

Enjoy the journey!

—Jennifer Klitzke

About NaturallyGaited.com

Naturally Gaited is a blog written by Jennifer Klitzke who shares her journey as she applies dressage with her naturally gaited Tennessee walking horse.

Jennifer has been an avid dressage student since 1988. In 2007 she became acquainted with naturally gaited horses and has discovered how much dressage improves the quality of movement in gaited horses through relaxation, balance, forwardness, rhythm, and connection.

About Jennifer Klitzke and Gift of Freedom

Rail Shows

Jennifer began showing her naturally gaited Tennessee walking horse, Gift of Freedom (Makana) in 2008 at TWH breed shows where the team earned “2010 Trail Pleasure Champion of the Year” with the Minnesota Walking Horse Association.

Gaited Dressage Clinics

The rider/horse team has attended gaited dressage clinics with Jennie Jackson, Larry Whitesell, Jennifer Bauer, and Bucky Sparks.

Demonstration Team

Jennifer and Makana have been a gaited dressage demonstration team at western dressage and traditional dressage clinics, and have been a TWH demonstration team at the 2010 and 2011 Minnesota Horse Expo.

Dressage Shows

Since 2010 Jennifer and Makana have shown successfully at open schooling dressage shows as the only gaited dressage entry. The team has ridden over 60 dressage tests—Intro through First Levels—using NWHA, FOSH, and NAWD tests. Makana is ridden barefoot and with a mild snaffle bit.

In 2014, Gift of Freedom and Jennifer Klitzke, earned Training Level Champion, First Level Champion, and earned the Highest Score Award in the 2014 FOSH Gaited Dressage program.

In 2015, Gift of Freedom, ridden, trained, and owned by Jennifer Klitzke, earned Training Level Champion and First Level Champion in the 2015 FOSH Gaited Dressage program and earned First Level Champion in the 2015 NWHA Gaited Dressage program.

United States Humane Society Award and Grant

In 2015, Jennifer, received an award and grant from The United States Humane Society “Now, That’s a Walking Horse” Program recognizing correct training of horse and rider without the use of artificial enhancements or aggressive shoeing techniques while focusing on the gymnastic development as a way to improve and establish the gaits of the Walking horse and through volunteer efforts to “spread the word” by sharing the good news about the natural Walking horse to the trotting as well as to gaited enthusiasts who have seen the limitless potential in the breed in new ways.


Jennifer is a member of Central States Dressage and Eventing Association and Friends of Sound Horses.

Video: Age-defying Dressage

2 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Julie Miller on March 9, 2011 at 5:12 pm

    Can anyone tell me of upcoming GARY LANE clinics? I am in the process of reading his book and am very interested in seeing him in person. Thanks!


    • Thanks for your question. Gary Lane will be coming to the MN Horse Expo in St. Paul, MN. For more of his scheduled clinics, visit: http://www.windsweptstables.net/Schedule.html

      Gary Lane and Anita Howe recently produced an excellent gaited DVD called “Training the Gaited Horse from the Trail to the Rail.” There is video footage of the foundations of the TWH alongside some of today’s naturally gaited walking horses, natural-training techniques to help you achieve a smooth and correct four-beat gait which includes discussion about the German dressage training pyramid and the importance of strengthening the topline, and slow motion video to help you see and understand what a correct four-beat gait is. I love this video and watch it over and over again.


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