
Natural Walking Horse Gaits

Below are videos of a naturally gaited Tennessee walking horse that is ridden barefoot, without abusive gait altering substances, and in a mild snaffle bit without mechanical devices. Many videos are shown in regular and slow motion so that it is easier to see the sequence of foot falls.

A Collection of Walks

A naturally gaited and barefoot Tennessee walking horse shown in free walk, medium walk, flat walk and running walk. All four of these walks display a regular four-beat sequence with a head nod and over track.

The Counted Walk

The counted walk is more of a balancing exercise than a gait. Each time my naturally gaited Tennessee walking horse feels like she is on the forehand or getting out of balance, I ask for a few steps of the counted walk to get her engaged from behind, lighter in front, and soft in the jaw before resuming the medium walk, flat walk or canter.

I have seen some videos demonstrate the counted walk as a mini piaffe which is a trot sequence of diagonal pairs instead of a walk sequence of four even steps. In either case, a counted walk or mini-piaffe (or piaffe) are all excellent exercises to help with balance and engagement.

A Collection of Gaits in Snow

Be thankful if you don’t have up to six months of below freezing weather and no arena! This is how me and my naturally gaited Tennessee walking horse try to stay in shape during winter. Shown is medium walk, flat walk, running walk, trot, and canter on cue in the snow.

Free Walk

Video: Free Walk on a Long Rein

Medium Walk

Flat Walk

Video:  TWH Medium Walk or Flat Walk


Counter Canter

Flat walk, Fox trot and Canter

Gaited Dressage: First Level Gaits

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